Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Change is something that will always be happening. Maybe you married someone and your life will never be the same again. Maybe someone who was always a constant in your life is now gone from your life or farther away. Maybe you have a new addition to your family. Maybe a lot of your friends are going off to college. Whether for better or for worse, change will always be a constant thing in our lives. But you know one person who will never change? They'll always be there and they'll always be the same? Jesus Christ. He is always there and He will always be the same. He will always be there to hold your hand through tough times or pick you up if it gets too rough. He will always be there. He will always be there when you're scared for a good change that will really mess with your world. He will always be there when you're sad and frightened. He will never leave you alone. He will always be there and He will send people--angels--to be His helping hands. Maybe that girl down the street that you just waved to or said "hi" to needed someone to be friendly. Maybe that compliment you gave your best friend lifted them up to be able to get through the day. Maybe that compliment you received helped lift you up. Maybe that hug or smile you received gave you hope. You never know who Heavenly Father sends you to to be their angel, or who He sends to you to be your angel. No matter the story, no matter the person, no matter the ending, He will never leave you, nor forsake you. He will always be a constant thing in your life and He will never change. 

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