Sunday, September 25, 2016

God didn't bring you this far to abandon you.

It's been a good day! :)

Many great messages were shared today. :)

I had some thoughts during the sacrament meeting that I've never exactly thought about before but I'd like to share them:
We have very few, if more than one, sacrament hymns from the point of view of the Savior, but "Reverently and Meekly Now" is one of my favorite sacrament hymns in general. For some reason, it just makes it [the Atonement] more real to me. Jesus Christ is asking us to think of Him, and of His sacrifice for us. He asks us (well, implores us) to be obedient, prayerful, watchful evermore, and be constant unto Him so that He can be our Savior. He can't be our Savior unless we accept His sacrifice and try to be better. We can't be perfect here on earth, but we can try to become more perfect with His help.
Today was Fast Sunday (because next week is General Conference and the week after is our Stake Conference) and several things were said in people's testimonies that I needed today.
-He loves you. He will never abandon you; only you can abandon Him.
-He knows what we need–in everything.
-He asks us to sacrifice a broken heart and a contrite spirit. He sacrificed everything for us. We can trust Him.
-He is there. You can always rely on Him.
-Our trials don't have to be secret. We have people around us to help us. Through the Savior, we can be made strong (I'm here to help you! I've gone through some crazy things in my life and I will listen and love and not judge, I promise <3).
-Regardless of struggles we face, our Savior is there for us. As we strive to do the little things, they add up and we can receive the light we need/want.
-He feels as we do. He will never, ever leave us.
-He knows us, and He knows what we need.
-He can push the darkness away.
-"Pride is not the solution to shame but the source." Humility is the solution; we need to humble ourselves before Christ.

Went to Gospel Principles today, instead of Gospel Doctrine. It was perfect! We talked about faith. How you don't always know what's going to happen in your life but faith in God can and will help you come to know His plan for you. If we exercise faith, He will manifest Himself to us. Trust in Him and in His power. God has a plan for you. Have faith. Remember the little things.

In Relief Society we talked about Elder Gerrit W. Wong's talk in the April 2016 conference, "Always Remember Him". He has six things we can do to always remember Him:
1. By having confidence in His covenants, promises, and assurances.
–> We can do so much if only we trust in Him.
2. By gratefully acknowledging His hand throughout our lives.
–> There are many miracles in our lives everyday. We just have to look for them.
3. By trusting when the Lord assures us (D&C 58:42; Repentance)
–> There isn't a point of no return. We can be healed and fixed.
4. Remember that: He always welcomes us home.
5. Remember Him on the Sabbath. Especially with the Sacrament.
6. Remember Him as He remembers us.
–> He loves us and is aware of us and is always thinking of us.
-If we ever feel like we can't feel God's love for us, we can just ask Him.
-Isaiah 40:28-31 He will make up the difference.
-As we choose to remember Him, He will bless us.

I was also blessed to be able to watch the General Women's Session of Conference last night. So many great messages that I was so grateful for! Many were ones that I needed. Some of my favorite insights were:
-God is real. He knows you. He loves you. He will not forsake you.
-Faith comes to the humble, the diligent, the enduring.
-There are more ways to see than with our eyes.
-Our faith in Jesus Christ enables us to meet any challenge.
-Hope and healing are not found in the dark abyss of secrecy but in the light and love of our Savior Jesus Christ.

It's been a fantastic weekend full of things that I needed: people I wanted/needed to hear from, things I needed to hear, things I needed to say, things I needed to feel. I'm so blessed! This past week was kind of difficult because as the week progressed on, I felt worse (#beingsick #IFinallyGotIt) but after Friday during the day, it was good. I was able to get a lot of naps this week and so that was definitely a huge factor in my feeling better and of course, being spiritually uplifted this weekend was great. Can't wait for General Conference next weekend!

I'm so thankful for my Heavenly Father, who knows what I need, when I need to hear it, and who I need to hear it from. I found this picture of something that was said today and I loved it and thought that it was almost a perfect summary of the messages this weekend:

He didn't bring you this far to abandon you. He is right beside you, and He will help you. I'm so thankful for the messages that I received this weekend. I am going to do my best to listen and apply. I'm so thankful for my Heavenly Father and for my Savior. I know that I wouldn't be where I am today without Them. I know that They love you and will help you with whatever you need help with, from quitting a bad habit to starting a new good one, and anything else in between. They love you and I know that you can rely on Them to be there for you. <3


Sunday, September 18, 2016

As long as you put the Lord first, everything will be okay.

Today's been a great day! Very uplifting and enlightening.

My thoughts during the sacrament:
This week was a struggle. I struggled so hard in so many things. It was quite a stressful week and the next two might also be as well. I'm trying to not worry about it but you know me–I will always worry a little. Anyway. My goal for awhile has been better/consistent scripture study and prayer and it's been touch and go. Last week the first half was great but the second half was chock full (spelling?) of tons of randomness and it was very stressful and busy and I wasn't quite able to study my scriptures. This week I will try harder. I know I can do it; I just need to focus. I'm so thankful for my Savior—this past week was insane and definitely took a toll on me but everything fell together and I made all my deadlines and things. I know I couldn't have done it without Him. Many times I wanted to quit but somehow I had the strength and capacity to do just a little more. I hope this week goes better or–if not–just as well. 
Some thoughts from sacrament meeting:
-You can receive the inspiration and guidance you need. Go to conference with questions. They'll be answered.
-Sort out your life to be able to hear the voice of the Master.
-Be willing to be inconvenienced in the service of others. As you do so your life will be blessed in marvelous ways.

In Gospel Doctrine:
-We have to do the little things that will protect and fortify our testimony.
-As long as you put the Lord first, everything will be okay.
—>Seems like this has been a topic that was focused on/touched on in multiple ways today. (Guess what's gonna be this week's quote? 😉)

In Relief Society, we talked about honesty and committing to God:
-It takes humility on our part to be honest with the Lord.
-This was interesting, I thought: People lie to solve problems on their own.
-Being committed to God is having faith in Him, even when things do not go the way you want them to. Reminds me of 'but if not': But if not... I'll trust that things will work out. (which I thought I'd already posted about to a point but I can't find it right now. I'll look and see and share it later if I find it. EDIT: I sort of did, but not really. It was basically what I said up there–the talk that it is from, though, can be found here).

After Gospel Doctrine I asked my home teacher if I could get a blessing after church. I haven't been feeling well this week and I've been struggling with a bunch of things and just wanted a blessing. After church, they came and one of my roommates' home teachers were also there. Long story short: a blessing of healing and comfort was given to me and all the things I've been stressing about were addressed. So thankful for worthy priesthood holders!! Also, I definitely started a trend: four of six roommates were given blessings today. Love my roommates!!

I'm blessed to have such an awesome bishopric. Went in for a meeting for a calling after church and was blessed to hear some things that I needed to hear. So grateful for the people in my ward. ❤️❤️

It's been a great day that has been very uplifting and I'm so thankful for that. So thankful for my Heavenly Father and for His love and guidance. It's been a good day. I'm so blessed. I love my ward, I love my roommates, and I love my Savior and my Heavenly Father. Happy Sunday!


Thursday, September 15, 2016

Something special.

I was thinking to myself this morning about some things, and I couldn't let it go. So I thought I'd write a little poem about it, and I did, and I think it says what I want it to.
Sometimes it's hard being me. 
I overthink all the things about my appearance.
I'm pretty sure 99% of the things that I worry about are only noticed by me.
Sometimes I think my friends are exaggerating when they tell me I'm beautiful.
But I know that can't be true because it's impossible for 100% of my friends to all be exaggerating my beauty. Someone's bound to tell the truth. 
So the only other plausible option is that I'm beautiful. 
Not just on the outside–on the inside too. 
Again, I overthink all the things and criticize all the parts of my personality.
But I'm reminded by my friends that they love me. 
And that I am beautiful. And capable. And strong.
And I remember that I'm a daughter of God. And He loves me. And He wants me to be who I am because that's who He made. He made me. And He loves me exactly the way I am. He made me something special because He knows I can be something special.
So who am I to question God? If He thinks I'm something special, I must indeed be something special.
~~"Something Special", a poem by Me

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Never forget.

Today is 9/11, and I've been thinking about it all day.

So I had some thoughts about it during the sacrament this morning, as well as some other thoughts and I wanted to share:
Today is 9/11. I don't really remember it but I remember all the times in school when we would remember it and talk about it. It was a sad day in our nation's history–we lost so many good and precious people–but we grew closer as a nation and came to be one. I hope it doesn't take another event like that to bring us all closer once again. We will never forget the events of 9/11, but I hope that we never forget how it brought us closer as a nation. 
Our Savior died for us. He died so that we could be saved. He died to help us return to our Heavenly Father. He died so that we can repent. He died so that we can forgive and feel peace. He died for us in so many ways. But the biggest reason of all, I feel, is that He died because He loves us. 
The topic in sacrament meeting was missionary work, and there were so many great things said. One thing that stood out to me today was that Christ is the one who makes us whole. I've known and felt that my whole life but I don't think I've ever worded it like that, so I'm grateful for the speaker who said it. Christ is the one who makes us whole. He brings the broken pieces of us together and heals us. And we represent Him! We are His hands. He has entrusted us with His name, so we must never forget who we are or who we represent.

In Gospel Doctrine we talked about the stripling warriors. Someone said that it's better to look for different solutions than to break your covenants. Something else that was said that I liked was that strength comes from being perfect in trying. We don't have to be perfect–in fact, we can't be perfect on this earth by ourselves. But we can be perfect in trying, and we can be perfect with Him.

In Relief Society we talked about visiting teaching and a couple of the last things that were said hit me. We had read 3 Nephi 11:13-17, and were talking about how we can learn from Christ's teachings to the people. He preached from within the multitude of the people, and He let them feel His wounds one by one. I've talked about "one" before, but I feel the need to emphasize that you are a significant individual to Him. He loves you and wants you to know Him.

Reading stories, watching collections of pictures from 9/11, it makes me cry every time. I can't imagine how hard it must have been and must still be for the families who lost loved ones too soon that day. Losing someone you love is hard. Losing someone you love like that must have been almost impossible to deal with. It's something you will never be able to forget. I know that I will never forget those who gave their lives trying to save others, and I will never forget those who lost their lives in all of the turmoil. We lost a lot that day, but we also gained a lot: our nation became closer together as one, and in love and repsect for the losses that were suffered that day.

I know that life is hard. I know that we suffer losses in our lives in many different ways–physically, mentally, emotionally–but I also know that our pain can be lifted through Jesus Christ. It most likely will not go away altogether, but I do know that He will lift your burdens. I know that He will help carry your pains. I know that He will be there for you. I know that He loves you. I know that He never forgets you. I know that you are never alone. Please never forget that He is there for you whenever you need Him. He will be there, I promise. You might not always be able to feel Him or His love for you, but I promise that He is there.


Sunday, September 4, 2016

Let Him in.

Because it's a three-day weekend I decided to come home. It's been a good weekend so far. :)

Friday was a fun day–I had a 9 o'clock class and a three o'clock class. Finding things to do in the four and a half hours I had between classes was great–real fun. ;) I'm sure it will be filled a lot better in the upcoming weeks though. :) Friday night I had the opportunity to help my friend with some things and that was a fun couple of hours–she's awesome and I love her and I love helping her out. :)

Saturday I did some math homework. I'm still not done yet so that will happen either today or tomorrow (night, because I am SO not going to spend all day doing math AGAIN).

And today was great. I heard some things that I loved and needed to hear–not like needed to hear, but needed to hear. 

But first things first, my thoughts during the sacrament today:
In the sacrament hymn While of These Emblems We Partake, it says, "The law was broken; Jesus died That justice might be satisfied". And this reminded me a little of something we talked about in Gospel Doctrine last week. God requires justice, and we ask for mercy. Without a mediator, neither of us can move without the other having to give up something that they desperately want/need. Thankfully, we do have a mediator–our Savior, Jesus Christ. He was willing to pay the price so that, with His help, we can receive mercy and be able to live with God again (Note: Any time this topic comes up, I always think of this video that you should definitely watch because it's great).
I am so grateful for my Savior, and that He was willing to pay the price so that I can be able to live with my Heavenly Father again someday. <3

So today was fast Sunday, and there were a couple of things that some people said in their testimonies today that I loved and wanted to share:
-We're not perfect, but Heavenly Father can look at us and see perfection because of Jesus Christ.
-You don't need to know something, you just need to believe it [and soon you will come to know it].
-God will answer your prayers in time [in His time, and when you are ready].

In Gospel Doctrine there were some things that we talked about that I liked and wanted to share:
-We reap what we sow [i.e., if you do good things, you'll be blessed].
-Our choices determine our future [What we choose to do will have consequences and repercussions that follow, for better or for worse].
-God does not excuse us from the consequences of our actions; we have to be responsible for our own actions and the consequences that follow.

Relief Society was great. It was based on a talk from the September 2016 Ensign entitled, "Can We Live 'after the Manner of Happiness?'" by Elder Brent H. Nielson. One of the things that he said that was quoted that I absolutely loved was this: "if [you don't] have trials in [your] life, the plan [is not] working for [you]." We go through trials to learn and grow, and to become stronger in many aspects of our life. One of the things that Sister Morley talked about was the fact that sometimes we don't turn to God because of our own stubbornness. We feel like we should be able to do things by ourselves and we don't lean on God. That's a silly idea–because there is a way out! There is a way out of our pains, sorrows, and burdens. Jesus Christ has already paid the price, so it would be silly to say, "I can do this on my own." She said, and I agree, that He must be so sad when we do not turn to Him–it must break His heart. The way that we can receive help from Him is first possible by us letting Him in. I know, I know–many times it's hard to let Him in, and oftentimes it's because of our innate human stubbornness, but other times it's because we feel embarrassed, ashamed, or unworthy to be asking for His help. Listen to me: You are ALWAYS worthy and loved and should feel no shame or embarrassment in asking for His help. You are an imperfect human being who makes mistakes, and God knows that, and that is why we have a Savior–to help us repent, repair, and return to God when we make mistakes.

I know that we are blessed to be able to have a Savior to turn to. I know that He loves us UNCONDITIONALLY. No matter what we have done, He still loves us. We are blessed to have been created by loving Heavenly Parents who only want what is best for us, and we are blessed to have an Elder Brother who loves us so much that He was willing to die for us so that we could return to our Heavenly Parents. He also knew that sometimes His gift and sacrifice would not be utilized and yet He still atoned and died for us anyway. If that is not love, I don't know what is. I am so blessed to have been able to have a chance in my life to really and truly feel the power of the Atonement and the love of my Savior. He truly does love us, and there truly is a way back. I'm far from perfect, and I've made my share of mistakes (and then some), and I've had my share of troubles and sorrows and questionable moments, and I know that life is crazy hard and intense sometimes, but when it all comes down to it, I know this: I know that I am loved, I am cherished, I am wanted, and I am enough for and by my Heavenly Parents. And that gives me peace. I know that you are loved, cherished, wanted, and are enough for and by Them, too, and I just want you to know that you are a wonderful person. You are a child of God, a daughter or son of a King, and you are so precious to Him.
