Thursday, September 15, 2016

Something special.

I was thinking to myself this morning about some things, and I couldn't let it go. So I thought I'd write a little poem about it, and I did, and I think it says what I want it to.
Sometimes it's hard being me. 
I overthink all the things about my appearance.
I'm pretty sure 99% of the things that I worry about are only noticed by me.
Sometimes I think my friends are exaggerating when they tell me I'm beautiful.
But I know that can't be true because it's impossible for 100% of my friends to all be exaggerating my beauty. Someone's bound to tell the truth. 
So the only other plausible option is that I'm beautiful. 
Not just on the outside–on the inside too. 
Again, I overthink all the things and criticize all the parts of my personality.
But I'm reminded by my friends that they love me. 
And that I am beautiful. And capable. And strong.
And I remember that I'm a daughter of God. And He loves me. And He wants me to be who I am because that's who He made. He made me. And He loves me exactly the way I am. He made me something special because He knows I can be something special.
So who am I to question God? If He thinks I'm something special, I must indeed be something special.
~~"Something Special", a poem by Me

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