So I had some thoughts about it during the sacrament this morning, as well as some other thoughts and I wanted to share:
Today is 9/11. I don't really remember it but I remember all the times in school when we would remember it and talk about it. It was a sad day in our nation's history–we lost so many good and precious people–but we grew closer as a nation and came to be one. I hope it doesn't take another event like that to bring us all closer once again. We will never forget the events of 9/11, but I hope that we never forget how it brought us closer as a nation.
Our Savior died for us. He died so that we could be saved. He died to help us return to our Heavenly Father. He died so that we can repent. He died so that we can forgive and feel peace. He died for us in so many ways. But the biggest reason of all, I feel, is that He died because He loves us.The topic in sacrament meeting was missionary work, and there were so many great things said. One thing that stood out to me today was that Christ is the one who makes us whole. I've known and felt that my whole life but I don't think I've ever worded it like that, so I'm grateful for the speaker who said it. Christ is the one who makes us whole. He brings the broken pieces of us together and heals us. And we represent Him! We are His hands. He has entrusted us with His name, so we must never forget who we are or who we represent.
In Gospel Doctrine we talked about the stripling warriors. Someone said that it's better to look for different solutions than to break your covenants. Something else that was said that I liked was that strength comes from being perfect in trying. We don't have to be perfect–in fact, we can't be perfect on this earth by ourselves. But we can be perfect in trying, and we can be perfect with Him.
In Relief Society we talked about visiting teaching and a couple of the last things that were said hit me. We had read 3 Nephi 11:13-17, and were talking about how we can learn from Christ's teachings to the people. He preached from within the multitude of the people, and He let them feel His wounds one by one. I've talked about "one" before, but I feel the need to emphasize that you are a significant individual to Him. He loves you and wants you to know Him.

I know that life is hard. I know that we suffer losses in our lives in many different ways–physically, mentally, emotionally–but I also know that our pain can be lifted through Jesus Christ. It most likely will not go away altogether, but I do know that He will lift your burdens. I know that He will help carry your pains. I know that He will be there for you. I know that He loves you. I know that He never forgets you. I know that you are never alone. Please never forget that He is there for you whenever you need Him. He will be there, I promise. You might not always be able to feel Him or His love for you, but I promise that He is there.
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