Friday was a fun day–I had a 9 o'clock class and a three o'clock class. Finding things to do in the four and a half hours I had between classes was great–real fun. ;) I'm sure it will be filled a lot better in the upcoming weeks though. :) Friday night I had the opportunity to help my friend with some things and that was a fun couple of hours–she's awesome and I love her and I love helping her out. :)
Saturday I did some math homework. I'm still not done yet so that will happen either today or tomorrow (night, because I am SO not going to spend all day doing math AGAIN).
And today was great. I heard some things that I loved and needed to hear–not like needed to hear, but needed to hear.
But first things first, my thoughts during the sacrament today:
In the sacrament hymn While of These Emblems We Partake, it says, "The law was broken; Jesus died That justice might be satisfied". And this reminded me a little of something we talked about in Gospel Doctrine last week. God requires justice, and we ask for mercy. Without a mediator, neither of us can move without the other having to give up something that they desperately want/need. Thankfully, we do have a mediator–our Savior, Jesus Christ. He was willing to pay the price so that, with His help, we can receive mercy and be able to live with God again (Note: Any time this topic comes up, I always think of this video that you should definitely watch because it's great).I am so grateful for my Savior, and that He was willing to pay the price so that I can be able to live with my Heavenly Father again someday. <3
So today was fast Sunday, and there were a couple of things that some people said in their testimonies today that I loved and wanted to share:
-We're not perfect, but Heavenly Father can look at us and see perfection because of Jesus Christ.
-You don't need to know something, you just need to believe it [and soon you will come to know it].
-God will answer your prayers in time [in His time, and when you are ready].
In Gospel Doctrine there were some things that we talked about that I liked and wanted to share:
-We reap what we sow [i.e., if you do good things, you'll be blessed].
-Our choices determine our future [What we choose to do will have consequences and repercussions that follow, for better or for worse].
-God does not excuse us from the consequences of our actions; we have to be responsible for our own actions and the consequences that follow.
Relief Society was great. It was based on a talk from the September 2016 Ensign entitled, "Can We Live 'after the Manner of Happiness?'" by Elder Brent H. Nielson. One of the things that he said that was quoted that I absolutely loved was this: "if [you don't] have trials in [your] life, the plan [is not] working for [you]." We go through trials to learn and grow, and to become stronger in many aspects of our life. One of the things that Sister Morley talked about was the fact that sometimes we don't turn to God because of our own stubbornness. We feel like we should be able to do things by ourselves and we don't lean on God. That's a silly idea–because there is a way out! There is a way out of our pains, sorrows, and burdens. Jesus Christ has already paid the price, so it would be silly to say, "I can do this on my own." She said, and I agree, that He must be so sad when we do not turn to Him–it must break His heart. The way that we can receive help from Him is first possible by us letting Him in. I know, I know–many times it's hard to let Him in, and oftentimes it's because of our innate human stubbornness, but other times it's because we feel embarrassed, ashamed, or unworthy to be asking for His help. Listen to me: You are ALWAYS worthy and loved and should feel no shame or embarrassment in asking for His help. You are an imperfect human being who makes mistakes, and God knows that, and that is why we have a Savior–to help us repent, repair, and return to God when we make mistakes.
I know that we are blessed to be able to have a Savior to turn to. I know that He loves us UNCONDITIONALLY. No matter what we have done, He still loves us. We are blessed to have been created by loving Heavenly Parents who only want what is best for us, and we are blessed to have an Elder Brother who loves us so much that He was willing to die for us so that we could return to our Heavenly Parents. He also knew that sometimes His gift and sacrifice would not be utilized and yet He still atoned and died for us anyway. If that is not love, I don't know what is. I am so blessed to have been able to have a chance in my life to really and truly feel the power of the Atonement and the love of my Savior. He truly does love us, and there truly is a way back. I'm far from perfect, and I've made my share of mistakes (and then some), and I've had my share of troubles and sorrows and questionable moments, and I know that life is crazy hard and intense sometimes, but when it all comes down to it, I know this: I know that I am loved, I am cherished, I am wanted, and I am enough for and by my Heavenly Parents. And that gives me peace. I know that you are loved, cherished, wanted, and are enough for and by Them, too, and I just want you to know that you are a wonderful person. You are a child of God, a daughter or son of a King, and you are so precious to Him.
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