Sunday, October 25, 2015

He trusts you, and He loves you.

I've been thinking about this for a little while, but I really thought about it a lot today during the sacrament. Sometimes the Lord just trusts us to do the right thing. He knows we can do it, and He knows we know the right decision. Sometimes He just lets us drive, but He'll take the wheel when needed.

Today in sacrament meeting, the topic was personal conversion. There are a few steps to personal conversion:
1. We have to want it.
2. We have to become humble, and get rid of our pride.
3. We have to study the Gospel–quality study, not quantity study.
4. We need to pray. About everything, but especially to have the Spirit in our lives.
5. We need to sacrifice. We need to fix our sins (as best we can; we're not perfect) and make good habits.

Conversion is becoming someone of the Gospel, and acting on your testimony.

You can't know the goodness unless you experience it or practice it.

It's called personal conversion. You have to do it for yourself. No one else can do it for you.

A testimony is personal knowledge of spiritual truth, while personal conversion is applying the knowledge of the Gospel.

You have to be persistent and patient, because it won't happen all at once.

I know that personal conversion is a lifelong journey, and I know that, with the Lord's help, you can become converted. I know that God trusts us enough to let us take the reigns because sometimes we can only learn what we need to learn if we make the decision by ourselves. He trusts us more than we trust ourselves. I know that He trusts you and He loves you. I also know that He will be there to catch us if we fall; He won't let us fall. He is always there to help us because He loves us so much. He also sends us people when we need them or their influence in our lives. Jesus Christ won't ever leave us alone because He knows our pains and sorrows and afflictions, and He knows how it feels to be alone, and He won't let us be alone. He won't leave you alone. He won't let you be alone.
I can't stress that enough: He won't let you be alone.

He loves you so much. Don't forget that. <3 <3

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