Sunday, February 4, 2018

We are His priority.

So today was Stake Conference, and it was super amazing!!

Each speaker was so wonderful! I loved all their insights! :)

1. Hope comes because of, in, and through the Savior.
-Hope is centered on the Atonement.
2. Hope is a strong thing.
-Hope is always there, when no one else is. Hope turns us to the Savior.
3. The temple is a source of hope.
-It refocuses us.
-As we focus on the Savior, and what He wants us to become, we'll be filled with hope.
Be true friends to those around us.
Conversion is not a one-time event.
1. We must be good examples.
-We are the personification of the Lord's church.
2. Ask God for His help.
3. Do your best.
-Be an instrument in His hands.
-Be a friend first.
-The Lord will perform miracles through us as we follow Him.
-This life is the time to serve the Lord.
-In the house of the Lord, we have to be reverent.
-If we truly seek His help and guidance, we will receive what we need, and feel what we need to feel.
-The temple can bring us closer to our Heavenly Father and our ancestors.
-Have you ever thought about how much time Heavenly Father gives to us? Does He ever not listen? Not drop everything for us? He always listens, and we are His priority. So we need to make time for Him. Everything will fall into place.
-Make the temple your place of refuge from the storm.
-Take time to be holy.
-You may not be who or what you think you are, but what you think, you are.
-Are you looking for the good in [your companion]? (this can be filled with any member, friend, yourself)
-Are you becoming like Him?
-When I know who I really am, it is easier to become who I really am.
-Relationships are eternal.
-The key to planning is to do it.
-Become a creator of circumstances instead of a creature of circumstances.
-Only Christ can change us. He can change all of our yesterdays.
-We get to choose our steps. Will our steps be in His direction?
-The more specific our prayers, the more defined His answers become.
-Pride is trust in ourselves. Confidence and humility is trust in God.
-The temple is truly the house of God.
-We can feel nearer to our Father in Heaven and His Son, and we can feel their love in the temple.
-There's a protection and power associated with the ordinances of the temple.
-You underestimate how good you are.
-Left to themselves, things fall apart (2nd Law of Thermodynamics) in any closed system.
-When we sin, we fall apart from God. Because of Christ and His Atonement, we can return.
-Christ can fix ALL broken things.
-Remember how merciful God is, and focus on that.
-Christ came to make things all right.
-The Lord loves broken things because He can fix them.

I am so thankful for the leaders in my stake! They are all wonderful men and women, and they are wonderful examples to me of love and service. They are also in tune with the Spirit and I am grateful for the things that I learn from them.

It has been an amazing week/weekend!! My birthday was on Tuesday and my friends (OH HOW I LOVE THEM!!!) are so amazing and wonderful and threw me a SURPRISE PARTY!!! It was so wonderful!! I can't even get over how awesome it was!! They all wrote me notes and it was so, so wonderful to be able to read the birthday wishes and love that they all feel for me. I was so, so, so thankful!!! It was such a surprise and every time I think about it, I get emotional and happy. I am so thankful for the time that they took to plan the party and I am just so grateful for them!!

This weekend has been super fun! I was able to spend time with my extended family celebrating my cousin's baptism, and then my family went home and spent time together and celebrated my birthday. I've been working on a project for my birthday this weekend and it should be done in like a week and I'm so excited!!

Life is so good, you guys. I have been having a rough time lately but this week has been exactly what I needed, and I am so thankful for that!!

I know God loves me. I know He has a plan for me. I know that He is always near me, and listening. I know that He blesses me in ways I can't even imagine. I am His priority! He loves me so much and wants to help me become who I am meant to become! I know that He blesses me with people and experiences in my life that make me a better person. I am so thankful for my friends and family, and for their love and support.

God is so good. I am so thankful for Him. I am grateful for blessings, I am grateful for love, and I am grateful for life. Have a wonderful week!


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