Sunday, November 11, 2018

Blessings come, even in the midst of awful accidents.

Wow! What a week it has been!! A lot has happened. 

My throat has been so sore this week I was unable to eat or drink anything. By Thursday/Friday, my throat was finally feeling better enough to be able to actually eat and drink, and now it is almost 100% back to normal. Yay for food!

Yesterday, I was driving my sister home, and we got into a car accident. Everyone is fine–no one was hurt. But my car did have to be towed. I hope he'll be all right. I am so thankful for so many things about this accident:
  1. No one got hurt. That is an amazing blessing, considering the nature of the accident.
  2. I was able to drive my car off the road. I think my radiator got hit and some antifreeze spilled onto it, so it was smoking really bad and looked awful, so I wasn't sure I'd be able to get it off the road but I did.
  3. I'm grateful that there was a police officer so close by! They came so fast and were so kind and helpful. 
  4. I'm grateful that my sister and I were both able to get rides home safely. Thank you to my Relief Society president for coming to get me! She is the absolute SWEETEST human being on the planet and I love her so much!!
  5. I'm so grateful that it wasn't worse. This could have been much, much worse.
It has been an emotional time, I am not going to lie. It was my first accident as a driver, and it was my fault, and I am trying not to be so upset with myself, but it's hard. Every time I close my eyes, I relive the accident again and again–wondering how the accident could have been avoided if I'd maybe only just waited a little longer, wondering if it would have been worse if I had gone earlier, or waited just a  little longer–it's difficult to avoid that sort of thinking, you know? Sometimes our minds just have....well, a mind of their own. Lol. 

I am grateful to my Heavenly Father for all of the blessings about this accident. I know that it could have been so. much. worse. but I am grateful that it wasn't. I am grateful that He was watching out for me, and the driver and passenger of the other car. I am so, so, so, so sad that this happened, and that I was at fault, but I am so, so grateful that it wasn't as bad as it could have been (there were only two cars involved in the accident, for starters). 

Sometimes we just need to take a step back, and remember what's most important. Yes, I am upset that my car is going to need a lot of work. Yes, I am upset that I even got into this accident. Yes, I am upset that it was my fault. But I am grateful that none of the people in the accident are going to need any work. I am grateful that it was just two cars involved in the accident. I am not happy that I was at fault, and I don't think I can ever be happy or grateful for that. But I am grateful that I know I was not distracted by anything in my car. I am grateful that my eyes were on the road, and that my focus was on the road. I just made a mistake in judgement, and it cost me a little. 

I am still sad that this accident happened, and I don't know how long it is going to take me to not be haunted by visions of it replaying in my head, but I am so, so, thankful to my Father in Heaven for all of His blessings surrounding this accident. 

Accidents happen. That's the truth. All we can do is move forward one moment at a time. 

I hope everyone has a restful Sabbath Day, and I hope you all remember to drive safely!! Please. Not all car accidents are this lucky. 



  1. So thankful you and Halie are safe andt it wasn't any worse. Things can be replaced. Your mom, Buffy and David were all in accidents when they were younger. The only thing that mattered were that they were ok. Don't beat yourself up about it. That is why it is called an accident. Glad the Lord protected you all. Love you sweetie.
