Sunday, February 23, 2025

Personal reflection and revelation.

It's been a while since I've posted on my blog. School has kept me insanely busy!

This semester is already halfway over! I had four classes, with one being only a seven-week course, so I am so glad that that class is over! I have a bit more time to work on the homework for my two digital content creation classes, which both include all of the editing and recording you can imagine for a video production course and an audio production course. After this semester, if I have done my math correctly, I have ONE semester left! I will not be taking classes in the spring/summer, but if all goes according to plan I will be finishing out my time at Ensign College in the fall semester!

I would like to thank my cute husband, my scholarship benefactors, and my Father in Heaven for all of the blessings, miracles, and support that I have been able to receive during my time at Ensign. While it has been stressful and exhausting at times, I have always been able to get my work done (mostly) on time.

I didn't have a long or thoughtful post planned for today. I just really wanted to get on and post a little update. I am really grateul for so many things, but I just wanted to give a shoutout to something that I have been participating in since August now and I wanted to share how it has blessed my life.

First shoutout goes to Sister Emily Belle Freeman, Young Women General President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She has a program called Inklings that is a worldwide institute class. Second shoutout goes to my sweet friend Tara, who posted about it on Facebook inviting anyone who wanted to join to do so. I jumped at the opportunity because I need Jesus in my life and I need an accountability buddy.

This experience has been such a blessing for me. Each week we read a chosen talk from the October 2024 General Conference, meet with our study group (mine meets on Tuesdays), and then every Thursday morning, Emily goes live on Instagram to discuss the talk. Afterwards, the Live story becomes available on her Inklings podcast. I haven't always been able to be on the live, but I really love and enjoy the fact that she has put each one on a podcast. Those are so much easier for me to listen to during my week. As life is crazy busy, sometimes I miss a talk. But I am getting better at being more proactive and listening to the talks in the week. I am trying to be better about listening to the podcast as well. I haven't always been a podcast kind of person, but I am slowly learning to love them–at least, the ones I've found that discuss the Gospel. :)

I am so grateful for the sweet messages and connections that I have been able to hear and receive due to this group of women I've joined with to discuss the Gospel with. We have had so many sweet, beautiful, powerful, and emotional experiences and interactions together. It has been so great to discuss the Gospel with them every week. It is the highlight of my work/school-week and I am so blessed to have been able to be a part of it for the last couple of months. :)

I hope you all have a great week! I hope that I will be able to post more frequently now that my classwork load is significantly lighter since one of my classes has ended now.

I am looking forward to the additional discussions about the Gospel that are coming this year. I am so grateful for a loving Savior and God who knows that we are imperfect, but He still wants us to turn to Him so we can live with Him again.
