Sunday, December 14, 2014

I'm not perfect—I worry. A lot.

I love Christmastime and I'm super excited for Christmas break, but I'm also nervous and worried. My brothers have been really, really mean to each other for the past couple of weeks and I hope that they'll be nice to each other over the break. I also have no idea what to get my mother for Christmas! Also, I'm still trying not to bite my nails and I'm worried that it'll get worse over Christmas break because I'll have nothing to do, and that's usually when I bite my nails. And I've got a ton of things to do this week before the break, and so I'm just really worried and stressed I won't get any of it done. But, when I relax and breathe in and out slowly (very relaxing and helps me calm down when I'm super excited or overly stressed about something; I highly recommend it), I calm down and remember that I have God on my side, and He will help me get what I need done finished, if I ask Him and do my part. I know that I can get all of my homework done if I ask Him to help me understand the assignment and focus. I know that I can have the courage to ask my seminary teacher a question about our class on Friday. I know that I can have a clear mind this week and be at peace when my brothers come home and begin to fight with each other. I know that I will be able to think clearly about what to get my mother for Christmas. I know that with His help, I can make good decisions, I can have a clear head, I can prioritize my time, and I can do great things. I know I'm not perfect, and He knows I'm not perfect, but with His help, I can become more like Him. 

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