Sunday, October 25, 2015

He trusts you, and He loves you.

I've been thinking about this for a little while, but I really thought about it a lot today during the sacrament. Sometimes the Lord just trusts us to do the right thing. He knows we can do it, and He knows we know the right decision. Sometimes He just lets us drive, but He'll take the wheel when needed.

Today in sacrament meeting, the topic was personal conversion. There are a few steps to personal conversion:
1. We have to want it.
2. We have to become humble, and get rid of our pride.
3. We have to study the Gospel–quality study, not quantity study.
4. We need to pray. About everything, but especially to have the Spirit in our lives.
5. We need to sacrifice. We need to fix our sins (as best we can; we're not perfect) and make good habits.

Conversion is becoming someone of the Gospel, and acting on your testimony.

You can't know the goodness unless you experience it or practice it.

It's called personal conversion. You have to do it for yourself. No one else can do it for you.

A testimony is personal knowledge of spiritual truth, while personal conversion is applying the knowledge of the Gospel.

You have to be persistent and patient, because it won't happen all at once.

I know that personal conversion is a lifelong journey, and I know that, with the Lord's help, you can become converted. I know that God trusts us enough to let us take the reigns because sometimes we can only learn what we need to learn if we make the decision by ourselves. He trusts us more than we trust ourselves. I know that He trusts you and He loves you. I also know that He will be there to catch us if we fall; He won't let us fall. He is always there to help us because He loves us so much. He also sends us people when we need them or their influence in our lives. Jesus Christ won't ever leave us alone because He knows our pains and sorrows and afflictions, and He knows how it feels to be alone, and He won't let us be alone. He won't leave you alone. He won't let you be alone.
I can't stress that enough: He won't let you be alone.

He loves you so much. Don't forget that. <3 <3

Monday, October 19, 2015

We need to do our part.

God can't help you if you don't act. Faith is an action—trusting in God is an action. It's so important for us to trust in Him, but we also have to realize that we need to do our part. We can't just pray and say, "I need help getting this thing done," and then sit there and do nothing. We have to do our part and work and He will help us get through it or get it done. But we have to do our part. He will help us as long as we do our part. You have to trust in Him and do your part; His help and aid will come. I know I've been saying "do our part" and variations thereof a lot, but it's what we need to do. The Lord expects us to pull our own weight as far as we can and He will help the rest of the way.

This is kind of random, but it also kind of fits a little. As a wise friend of mine recently said (and I'm paraphrasing here; she said it way better), sometimes you have to give some good things up for better things. 

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Repentance is a choice, and repentance is change.

Today I had the privilege of going to two of my friends' missionary farewells. They gave such great talks!! I'm so excited for them! They are going to be amazing missionaries and I can't wait to see how much they've grown and changed when they come back in a year and a half. 

One of my friends talked about repentance, and I just found this really good quote about repentance and God's love for us:
"Though we disregard His counsel, break His commandments, and reject Him, when we recognize our mistakes and desire to repent, He wants us to seek Him out and He will accept us" (God's Love for Us Transcends Our Transgressions, Ronald E. Poelman, April 1982 General Conference). 
Sometimes I think we think that's it's so crazy that God can still love us, even after all the sins we've done and mistakes we've made. That reminds me of this scripture in 2nd Nephi:
20 And now, my brethren, I have spoken plainly that ye cannot err. And as the Lord God liveth that brought Israel up out of the land of Egypt, and gave unto Moses power that he should heal the nations after they had been bitten by the poisonous serpents, if they would cast their eyes unto the serpent which he did raise up before them, and also gave him power that he should smite the rock and the water should come forth; yea, behold I say unto you, that as these things are true, and as the Lord God liveth, there is none other name given under heaven save it be this Jesus Christ, of which I have spoken, whereby man can be saved. (2 Nephi 25:20)
I know that repentance isn't that easy, but it does take effort–just like the effort the nations needed to take. All they had to do to be healed was to look on the serpent that Moses "did raise up before them". Heavenly Father wants us to turn to Him, and to trust in Him. All we have to do is to turn to Him. Repentance is a choice that we have to consciously make. Elder Neil L. Andersen said that, "When we sin, we turn away from God. When we repent, we turn back toward God" (Repent... That I May Heal You, October 2009 General Conference). Repentance is "re-turning" to God. Yes, repentance isn't easy, and it takes effort, but I know that it is more than worth it. It has brought me feelings of love, acceptance, peace, and understanding beyond anything I ever could have imagined. It has changed my life when I needed help to change, and it has helped me to heal when I so desperately needed healing. I am so grateful for my Savior and for His sacrifice for me. I would not be who I am today without Him and without His Atonement.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

He will always help you in His own time.

Today was Stake Conference. It was so good!! They mostly had students address us, but they did have one of the stake councilors, a stake Relief Society advisor, and our stake president speak.

President Bahme talked about The Book of Mormon, and he addressed several scriptures from it:
1st Nephi 3:7–He said to never, ever quit. The Lord will help you succeed. Heavenly Father doesn't give us commandments that we can't keep without His help or the help of others.
Mosiah 3:19–The natural man is an enemy to God. Don't be deceived by those who follow the natural man.
Ether 12:27–If we humble ourselves, God will show us our weaknesses and make them strengths.

Brother Maximo Acevedo:

He talked about a couple of different things that we can do to help hasten the work of salvation:
1. Principle of understanding. President Boyd K. Packer said, "True doctrine understood changes attitudes and behavior." If they don't understand how it applies to them, it has no meaning for them. Maximo said that we have to be simple and clear. We have to help others see how the gospel can help and apply to them.
2. Reaching out to family. The Lord uses families to share the gospel. Through our families He can help us live and share the gospel. Maximo said that we have to reach out to our family. "Never can I repay thee Lord. But I can love thee." (My words here –>) We show our love for Him by sharing His gospel and loving our family and friends. 

Sister Cienna Herlihy:
She talked about her conversion story, and she said that Heavenly Father will always answer your prayers. Maybe not in the way that you expected or wanted, but it will always be in the way that you needed.

Brother Sam Clough:
He talked about his conversion story, too. He had a friend who was a really good example to him. He said that they (meaning the Mormons) had happiness. Not like watching Netflix happiness, but they had joy. He said when he was taking the discussions and going to church, they treated him like a friend. They made the decision up to him and didn't push it. What makes us happy is living with Christlike attributes. "You've got all of the gear, but none of the game." We have what we need; what are you going to do with it?

Sister Emma Rose Phipps:
She talked about the Sabbath Day. She said that the Sabbath isn't about limiting what you do; it's more about doing right. 
Elder Russell M. Nelson, in the April 2015 conference, said, "I studied the work of others who had compiled lists of things to do and things not to do on the Sabbath. It wasn’t until later that I learned from the scriptures that my conduct and my attitude on the Sabbath constituted a sign between me and my Heavenly Father. With that understanding, I no longer needed lists of dos and don’ts." He asked the question, "What sign do I want to give to God?"
She said that the Sabbath Day is so important to help us draw nearer to God.

Sister T.K. Plant:
She is the Relief Society advisor for one of the other wards. She talked about the Sacrament. The sacrament helps us mend, renew, and restore our baptismal covenants. Without His Atonement, there would be no power in the Sacrament. She said we need to understand three things:
1. History. The passover is the sacrifice of a spotless lamb. The week of the passover, Christ (who was perfect and spotless of sin) was sacrificed and crucified.
2. Covenant. The sacrament prayers remind us of our covenants. We are witnessing to God that we are taking on His name. Since we take on His name, our actions reflect on Him.
3. Promise. "Bless and sanctify this bread to the souls of all those who partake of it that they may always have His spirit to be with them." It is this that changes us little by little.
Covenants allow us to transcend the natural man. As we progress in our diligence, we will be prepared for eternal life. Christ had nothing to gain in His sacrifice. (My words –>) He just loved us so much that He would do anything for us–even die.

President James Rasband:
He is the stake president. I absolutely LOVED his talk!!!!

If things haven't gone right, it's okay. Everything we do is harder at first. It's always harder the first time. If you stay at it, things will come–you'll improve. No matter how much you grow, though, there is always room to improve. "Trust the Savior and His love." No matter how many times you've fallen, Christ's hand remains outstretched. He used an example of parallel parking. It's always embarrassing when you fail the first time, and there are people all around you, watching you not do so hot in parallel parking. You're embarrassed and you drive away to find an easier parking spot. This is like our life. Our perspective is very different from the Lord's. He only cares that we're trying. He knows as long as we keep trying, we'll get the car parked. You'll get there–just keep at it. No one else is there on that whole street–it's just you. Just keep trying. The Lord will be there. It's okay if things take a little bit of time. It takes time to develop ourselves into who the Lord wants us to be. [I especially loved that he mentioned Physical Science 100 and American Heritage because I am taking both of those classes and they're sometimes a struggle. But that's okay. I just have to keep trying. :)]

I know that Heavenly Father will always help us. I know that life is sometimes really hard, but I know that He will not leave you alone; He will help you, and He will send you angels from beyond the veil and on this earth to help you in your times of need. I know that He answers your prayers in His own time. I know that by making the Sabbath a delight, you are showing Him that you love Him and respect Him and want to draw nearer to Him. I know that the sacrament is the most important part of sacrament meeting, and that it is a reminder to us of our covenants to the Lord, and of His promise to us as we keep our covenants. I know that it's okay if things don't work out. I know that the Lord will be there to help, and I know that if you keep trying, it'll get better. You'll get better and it will work out. :)

Sunday, October 4, 2015

General Conference weekend. :)

It's General Conference weekend!!!!! I have absolutely LOVED this weekend!!!! We got three new apostles, and we miss President Boyd K. Packer, Elder L. Tom Perry, and Elder Richard G. Scott, but we welcome Elders Ronald A. Rasband, Gary E. Stevenson, and Dale G. Renlund. There have been so many great messages this weekend that I needed to hear!! 

Here are just a few of my favorite quotes:
"Exaltation is our goal. Discipleship is our journey." ~~President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
"Direction is ever more important than our speed." ~~Elder Larry R. Lawrence
"Self-control is like a muscle: the more you use it, the stronger it gets." ~~Elder Quentin L. Cook
"Believe in God and yourself. You are doing better than you think you are." ~~Elder Jeffrery R. Holland
"None of us marry perfection. We marry potential." ~~Elder Rober D. Hales
"There is no darkness so dense, so menacing, or so difficult that it cannot be overcome by light." ~~Elder Vern P. Stanfill
"Christ was sent to heal the broken hearted." ~~Elder Dallin H. Oaks
"Only when we see through Heavenly Father's eyes can we be filled with the pure love of Christ." ~~Elder Dale G. Renlund
"No choice, sin, or mistake will change His love." ~~Elder Ronald A. Rasband
"God's ultimate purpose is our progress." "Repentance is individual. But in the church." (I paraphrased that last quote there) ~~Elder D. Todd Christofferson
"Small efforts sustained over time can produce significant results." ~~Brother Devin G. Durrant
"Don't be too critical of the barrier. It's the only thing keeping you from being devoured." ~~Elder Von G. Keetch
"Trust God. Trust Jesus. Trust the whisperings of the Spirit. Trust the counsel of living prophets." ~~Sister Carole M. Stephens
"Repentance is real, and it works." ~~Elder Allen D. Haynie

I have loved all of the messages given this weekend!! I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to watch conference and to listen to and learn from our Latter-day prophets. It is always a blessing to hear their words, especially when their words are desperately needed by me. I am so grateful to be a member of this church!!!  
