Sunday, November 30, 2014

End of November gratitude.

Hard to believe it's already the end of November!! I'm so grateful for my family and friends and for all they do and for their examples to me. I am grateful for the Thanksgiving season to get me in the mood for gratitude and I'm so excited for the Christmas season to celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. I'm grateful for Him and for all He's done for me, and for His love and faith in me. I love Him and am grateful that He believes in me and wants me to return to live with our Heavenly Father. 

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Callings and Thanksgiving.

Today I was released from my calling as the Laurel class president and I'm grateful for the opportunity I had to serve with my two wonderful counselors and my awesome secretary. It was a wonderful experience and I am going to miss being the president but I'm grateful that I was released because I've had a lot of experience being a class president and I think other girls need the opportunity to serve.

This week is Thanksgiving!! I am so excited because I get to spend time with my (extended) family and eat food! I'm grateful for this country and for the freedoms we enjoy; I'm grateful for my family; I'm grateful for the home I live in; I'm grateful for my friends; I'm grateful for wonderful leaders, teachers, and mentors in my life; and most of all, I'm thankful for my Savior, and for His Atonement, and for His love for me. I know He lives and I know He loves me and I know He wants us all to return to live with our Heavenly Father. 

Monday, November 17, 2014


So I feel kind of bad because I wasn't able to post yesterday! I got home from choir practice super late and then I was super sleepy and went to bed after I read my scriptures. This month is Thanksgiving! People always try and keep Christmas and Thangsgiving separated, but it's the holiday season! We should be grateful for Christ, because without Him we wouldn't have a reason to celebrate...He was born to save us, and it bothers me sometimes that people think that they are two separate holidays, because they go hand-in-hand with each other. Thanksgiving gets us into the mood of gratitude. And then we celebrate Christ's birth. I'm so grateful for Jesus Christ. Without Him, we wouldn't be able to return to Heavenly Father. So, even though some people believe Thanksgiving and Christmas should be separate, I believe they should go hand-in-hand. What's your opinion? Should November be about Thanksgiving and December about Christmas? Do you listen to Christmas music earlier than December? Comment below; I'd love to know what you think. :)

Sunday, November 9, 2014

He is simply there.

I feel like life is so crazy; sometimes it's hard to do so many things. It makes it hard to keep track of time, and it makes it hard to let go of people who you either need to let go of or should let go of. But it doesn't matter what life throws at you because Christ is always there. I know that I've been saying this a lot, but it's because I know He's there and I feel like it's something that can never be overstated: He is simply always there. Whether or not you believe in Him, He is there. If your mom has died or is really sick and you think He's left you, He hasn't. If your dad is a drunk or left you when you were little and you think Christ isn't there for you, He is. Whatever your circumstances, He is there for you. He loves you so much and wants you to know that He loves you and wants you to come back to our Heavenly Father. I hope you know that it is never too late to return or find Him and I hope you know that He is always reaching out for you. 

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Opportunities, blessings, and talents.

Not last year but the year before and the year before that I had the opportunity to be a part of a youth choir for Lehi Family Week and it was so fun. This year, I again have the opportunity to be a part of the youth choir and I am so excited! I love to share messages of the gospel through music and I am excited to be doing it again in a couple of weeks. Sadly, I have just realized this will probably be my last chance to be part of this amazing experience (I did not have a chance to do it last year because I did not get the memo soon enough and by then I did not think I could learn the music fast enough). Anyway, I'm grateful for the opportunity to be a part of it and I'm glad that I have the time to prepare. I'm also glad I have the talents :). I'm so lucky to be blessed with the talents I have and I'm so lucky to have grown up in a place that helps me nourish those talents. I know that God has a plan for me and I know He knows what He's doing to help me become the best me I can be. 

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Blessings in disguise.

Sometimes changes in plans are blessings in disguise. Today I was supposed to be getting my senior pictures taken at 4:30pm, but because of the weather I decided to not chance it and will be getting them taken at the end of next week instead. Which I am okay with, because even though I was really bummed that we had to reschedule, I have a lot of homework to do for Monday, so it all works out in the end. I'm grateful that Heavenly Father knows what He's doing and I'm grateful that He is watching out for me.