Sunday, May 6, 2018

Your worth is infinite, and so is God's love for you.

Sometimes it is so difficult to be patient. Sometimes it is so hard to wait for things you want. Sometimes it is so hard to be patient with people. Sometimes it's easier to be patient. But there's always room for improvement. Some days are more difficult than others, and some days are more easier than others. But even on those days, there is room for improvement. And if you remember how patient Christ is with us, and our shortcomings, I think you will be more likely to be more patient with those around you.
Something that someone said in their testimony today really stood out to me: "When someone wants to diminish the truth of something, they attack the character of the deliverer or main person in the event/story." I really loved this. Jospeh Smith faced a lot of criticism and attacks on his character, but he still stood strong. He still held his faith, and his testimony in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I really admire that about him, and I really look up to him for that. He never backed down, even in times of turmoil or struggle. He stayed strong.

I didn't really take notes in church today because we had some of our cousins with us this weekend and I ended up sitting with A at the end of primary, and also in his class.

But! My friend texted me and reminded me of the worldwide devotional for young adults tonight and so I just watched it and I am so thankful that she texted me about it because I absolutely loved it!!

The speakers were Brother and Sister Kearon–Brother Kearon is from the Presidency of the Seventy.

Sister Kearon's talk was probably my favorite. She spoke about the love of our Father in Heaven. My favorite thing that she said was, "Your Father in Heaven loves you. Whoever you are, whatever you are struggling with, you are enough. He loves you just the way you are right here, right now, in all your beautiful messiness. But He also loves you enough not to let you stay the way you are." I loved that. He loves us as we are, but He also loves us enough to help us grow and change, and become a better person; He loves us enough to help us become more like Him.

She also talked about how the infinite and gentle love of God will help invite us to make changes in our lives. She talked about how we need to experience things that require change and growth, and help us to depend on God. We can do it. Jesus Christ–the Firstborn of God the Father–first bore our trials, sorrows, afflictions, etc. He has promised us hope, and healing, and He will be there. We were created for a joyful, abundant existence, she says. "Your worth is infinite, and so is God's love for you." No matter what you do, your worth is still the same in His eyes. He will always love you.

I am not even going to lie, as soon as Sister Kearon started talking about how "Learning to find, feel, and understand our individual worth, regardless of what other people might think or say about is critical to our lifelong emotional and spiritual well-being", I started to feel the Spirit so strongly, and by the time she got to the part where she was talking about how we are of endless worth to Heavenly Father, I was bawling because it was exactly what I have needed to hear.

Brother Kearon's talk was really great, too, and I really enjoyed his focus on ministering. He talked about first asking God for help to know who we can help. He talked about how the heart of our purpose here on earth is learning to look outward and serve one another. He also talked about how this kind of ministry is a way of life.

He talked about three things that we can do:
1. The kind of service we're assigned or invited to perform as a responsibility at church
2. The kind of service that we choose to do of our own volition
3. Public service

This is how the Savior lived, and this is why He lived.

Since today was fast Sunday, I just wanted to take a minute and bear my testimony.

I know that my Father in Heaven loves me. I have felt it before, and though I am currently struggling to always feel it, I can feel it in the little moments. I feel it when my friend texts me pictures of her adventures with her dad. I feel it when I stand out in nature, and feel the breeze, and see the blue, blue, blueness of the skies, the lake, and the mountains. I feel it when my friend texts me to remind me of the devotional because the first talk made her think of me. I feel it when I remember all of the people who took the time to plan a surprise party for my birthday. I feel it when I remember that I am not alone because He sends people to my life when I need them, and He sends my friends to my rescue when I am struggling.

I know that my Savior is there for me through anything and everything. I know that He loves me so much. I know that He is with me. I know that He is rooting for me. I know that He is proud of just how far I have come–no matter how many times I fall. As long as I get back up, and try again, He is proud of me. I know that, no matter what–no matter what other people say, or don't understand about me and my life, or about the trials that I have gone through, or are still going through–I know that He understands completely.

God is so good, you guys. I have honestly been blessed beyond measure, especially this year. I am so thankful for the scriptures, and for the messages that they have given me, and for the peace that has come into my life as I've been studying them more frequently. I am so thankful for my friends. I love them so much!!! And they are so, so, wonderful and loving! They are just the most amazing people and I am so grateful for them and for their support!!

I'm blessed to be surrounded by wonderful friends and family who love and support me in my trials and in my life in general.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!! God loves you, I love you, and you're going to do amazing things!!


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