Long story short:
- I went through the temple for the first time.
- I graduated from Brigham Young University with my Bachelor of Science degree in Family Life with an emphasis in Human Development in June.
- I started my first official full-time job after graduation.
- I went to New York for almost two weeks in July.
- I met (mid-August), started dating (later-August), and got engaged (December) to my now fiancé!
It was a wild year but it was full of blessings!
2020 will be a blast! I will spend the first half of the year planning my WEDDING!!! And the second half of the year married to my sweetheart. I am so excited!!!
I learned so much in 2019! Here are 19 things I learned in 2019:

I learned so much in 2019! Here are 19 things I learned in 2019:
- I learned that God is always near. I went through the temple for the first time and that opened my eyes to many more revelations than ever before. I have gone back almost every month, I think, and sometimes more than once a week! I hope to keep that tradition alive this year as well!
- I learned that things happen for a reason, and sometimes we will never know why. Sometimes we might look and look and search and search for answers, but nothing will come of it. That is okay.
- I learned that the future can be intimidating, but you just need to jump right in! The water might be startling at first, but you will quickly grow accustomed to the change and ready to move ahead.
- I learned that you can do all the research you want, but nothing can prepare you for any mishaps you were unable to foresee when planning a trip to New York with your friend. So sometimes you will have to make an adventure out of said mishap.
- I learned that your happiness is only yours to give and take away. No one can make you happy or sad. It is your choice and yours alone.
- I learned that things aren’t always what they seem, and sometimes when you go after what you think you want, you come to realize it isn’t actually what you want.
- I learned that no one is perfect, but that the right people will love you for who you are anyway.
- I learned that the people you can always count on are the ones you can always be real with.
- I learned that the blessings of the temple and the blessings of the scriptures go hand in hand.
- I learned that it’s more important to be loved than to be right.
- I learned that if you put in the work, you can do it all with the help of the Lord.
- I learned that life isn’t really a timeline. There aren’t really milestones or anything. Nothing happens for everyone in the exact same way.
- I learned that I can get really upset over stupid things because of my anxiety and depression. But I also learned that because of my anxiety and depression, I can get over said stupid things. It might take me longer than I’d like, or than other people can comprehend, and sometimes I might still be upset, but on the whole, I can heal from it in time.
- I learned that God and I had two different plans for the year 2019, but ultimately, His was better.
- I learned that nothing could prepare me for realizing that who I am now is only a small part of who I really am.
- I learned that I can do more. I am capable of being more.
- I learned that faith in God is more important than anything–even when I struggle with having faith in Him. And that Jesus Christ is always there for me. Even when I can’t see or feel Him.
- I learned that Satan will try to stop you when you are going in the right direction and making the right decisions. It will seem impossible, but God will bless you and help you through it.
- I learned that God has blessed my life in the last decade with more than I ever thought possible. I am especially grateful for this last year, and for the next chapter in my life.
I have a few major goals I want to focus on this year, and I am so pumped!
1. I am going to strive to read and study my scriptures every day–I recently got a Book of Mormon Come Follow Me journal to take notes in, so I would like to fill it up this year!
2. I am going to strive to attend the temple every other week.
3. I am going to strive to choose to be happy.
This year, I wanted to make my goals SMART goals. SMART goals are:
This year, I wanted to make my goals SMART goals. SMART goals are:
The last couple of weeks, as I've read the scriptures, and as I have listened in Sunday School and Sacrament Meeting, I've noticed the mention of "striving" in the scriptures. And I have decided that I want "strive/striving" to be my word for 2020.
I want to strive to make the most of what I have been given this year. I want to strive to be the Mattie that I used to be a long time ago. She was always so happy and joyful. She's still in there somewhere. I want to pull her back out.
I hope everyone has a wonderful new year and a wonderful week this week!
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