I'm grateful for my Savior. For the blessings He gives not only me, but my loved ones. For the prayers He answers. For the people He puts in my life. For the peace and comfort He brings. For the love He gives me. For the opportunities I am given to better myself. But most of all, I'm grateful for the sacrifice that He gave–His own life–and for the peace and knowledge that comes from knowing that I can repent, and live with my family forever, because of Him. 💜
I learned a lot of amazing things in church today but I want to address a different topic today.
I was looking on LDS.org for something to talk about, and I decided to look up a talk by President Gordon B. Hinckley for a couple of reasons: one is that in Relief Society this year, we are focusing on lessons from his life and I'm enjoying it so far; two is that the anniversary of his departure from this world in 2008 was the other day; and three is that my birthday is tomorrow and he was a wonderful prophet and I loved him dearly and wanted to dedicate a post to him in his memory.
The talk that I picked of his is entitled "We Walk by Faith", from the April conference in 2002. First things first, it reminds me of the song "I Walk By Faith" by Janice Kapp Perry, which is one of my absolute favorites. You can listen to it here [I hope that link works! If it doesn't, you can find it on Spotify under the album "I Walk By Faith" (2010). I recommend the whole album, by the way. All the songs are based on one of the young women's values. The original album from 1986 is good too. :)].
Continuing with the topic, President Hinckley relates a little analogy that I liked. He says, "In the process of conversion, the investigator of the Church hears a little. He may read a little. He does not, he cannot, comprehend the wonder of it all. But if he is earnest in his search, if he is willing to get on his knees and pray about it, the Spirit touches his heart, perhaps ever so lightly. It points him in the right direction. He sees a little of what he has never seen before. And with faith, whether it be recognized or not, he takes a few guarded steps. Then another, brighter vista opens before him." I loved this analogy of conversion and faith. Step by step, little by little–that's how our conversion goes. We follow the commandments, read our scriptures and pray–we use our faith, and by our faith we grow, little by little.
In Doctrine and Covenants 50:23-24, the Lord says, “That which doth not edify is not of God, and is darkness. That which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter until the perfect day." God doesn't give to us all at once, and we don't gain a testimony all at once. Much like the growth of a baby, it comes little by little and you only notice its growth when you compare it to a previous testimony. Though I will say that you aren't always able to tell for yourself if your testimony has grown by comparison, but you can tell by how you feel.
I highly recommend reading this talk! It was very enlightening and also a little humbling. I know that as we walk by faith, we will be blessed, little by little, and we can be edified little by little. Our conversion and blessings will come as we rely on, have faith in, and trust our Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ. I know They love us, and I know that there isn't anything that They wouldn't do for us. I know that you can trust your Heavenly Father and your Savior with your life. They love you so much and want you to be able to return to live with them again. I love you and am so grateful for you. I hope you have a very wonderful week!
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