Sunday, January 15, 2017

Faith in the future = hope for the future.

This past week school started again, and I wasn't quite sure how it was going to go. But I was feeling very grateful as the week went on. I had a lot a things that worked out really well and I'm glad they helped make the first week of school less stressful. I know that as long as I focus, and work hard, and remember to turn to my Savior when I need to, that everything will be okay. I've got high hopes for this semester and am so excited for this new year and semester.

Our stake Relief Society president was at church today, and she said a few remarks in sacrament meeting. One thing she said that I loved was that "Jesus Christ provides hope in an ever-darkening world."

In addition to that, Clarissa said something at the end of her lesson that I really liked: "We are a light in the world. We can be a light in the darkness, but also in the light" (Something like that).

I'm grateful for the light that Jesus Christ is in my life, and I'm grateful for the lights that my family and friends are in my life. I hope that I can be a light in someone else's life.

One last thought before I go–Haylie in sacrament meeting talked about faith, and how faith is always pointed towards the future. She shared this poem and I loved the last stanza, telling you to put your fears, dreams, doubts, etc. in Christ's hands because it depends whose hands it's in. Moroni 7:42 says, "Wherefore, if a man have faith he must needs have hope; for without faith there cannot be any hope." If you have faith in the future, you have hope for the future.


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