Sunday, November 3, 2013

Lessons learned from the cultural event.

Yesterday, before our cultural event, the narrators and soloists were given a challenge to imagine Christ beside us throughout the event. When I was singing my solo, even though I was completely alone for that first little bit, I didn't feel alone, and I know that He sent His Spirit to be with me, and I'm so thankful for that. At one point, while we were waiting for our turn to go on again, I was sitting alone, and no one was beside me, so I imagined Christ sitting next to me, and I immediately burst into tears, because I could see Him, and I know that he was proud of us, of me, for sharing our talents and testimonies. And both of these little miracles helped me know that we are never alone. The cultural event was such an uplifting experience and I am so glad that I got to share the message of Holy Father and my talents with all that went to see it. I got many people telling me that they cried when they heard it, and I'm so glad that it touched them. It's a beautiful song with a beautiful message.

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