"For my soul delighteth in the song of the heart; yea, the song of the righteous is a prayer unto me" ~D&C 25:12.
This is one of my favorite scriptures because I love music. I am glad when I get to share my musical talents with others because if I can feel the Spirit when I perform them, how much more can those I share the music with feel the Spirit? Music is just how I speak, and I'm glad that it is a prayer to my Heavenly Father.
Monday, February 24, 2014
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
I must be needed somewhere else.
I think I finally know why I didn't get into the talent show. Because, the night of the talent show, I was at young women's, where we had an activity where we wrote on slips of paper different qualities and characteristics we liked and admired about each of the other girls. And I got lots of compliments on my singing. And today I checked Ms. Nudd's list for choir next year, and that finalized that I didn't get in. And Heavenly Father knew that I wasn't going to get in and so He didn't let me get into the talent show so that He could let me know through my friends that I have an amazing voice and that some of the girls think that I am the best singer in the world. I am so grateful for that. My Heavenly Father needs me somewhere else next year instead of choir. I hope I can find out why. This experience just reminds me that, if things don't always work out, I must be needed somewhere else. I just have to trust in Him because He knows what is best for me.
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Being a disciple of Christ.
Being a disciple of Christ means that I am always trying to be like Him, no matter what. I am a representative of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and that means that people look to me when they want to know what we stand for. I know that sometimes there are some members of the church who have some split standards or something, and people think that that's how all members act, but it's not. I am very firm in my beliefs and standards and I am quite happy with the way that I live. I do not swear, I dress modestly, I am kind to others, I believe in others, I give others the opportunity to live as they will, even if I don't always approve. Also, I am happy to answer any questions that anyone may have to the best of my abilities. If I can't, I can direct you to places/people who can. :)
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Life is an unexpected journey.
Life doesn't always exactly go according to plan. There are things thrown in the mixture that turns it sour. Often they're really hard things that take time to heal. Know this: it can be overcome. It can be dealt with. You can heal. Yes, you will have scars, and yes, it will usually take a lot of time, but you will heal and you will have learned. If you've read my blog from the beginning you'll know that a couple of years ago I had a sour mixture for a while. But I overcame it. Not alone; oh, no, not at all! I turned to my Savior, Jesus Christ, and He was able to help me overcome it. But I still have scars. I still remember. But I've learned. And I move on. Sometimes, it's not that simple. Sometimes, it's a sickness, or a death, or both: a sickness that will end up with death. And that's hard. I'm not going to say it's not, because that's a lie. Watching someone you love die is hard. But with our Savior, we know several things:
1) We know that they will live again and be fully healed.
2) We know that they did nothing wrong to deserve it--this is just their trial.
3) We know that our Savior loves them and has a plan for them.
4) We know that there is something to learn from this experience--whether it be to trust in God, or to turn to God, or whatever it is that we learn, we know there is something to learn.
Life doesn't always go exactly the way we planned it--sometimes a sour bit is thrown in the mixture. However, there is also sometimes a sweet bit thrown in the mixture. These are called blessings. And sometimes what we think is a sour bit is actually on the path that leads us to sweet bits, and vice versa. Life is an unexpected journey, full of twists and turns. But if we rely on our Savior, Jesus Christ, we can, in our own time, overcome and be healed.
Monday, February 10, 2014

Sunday, February 2, 2014
Always a reason.
The Lord has a plan for me. I trust in him because He knows what is best for me. Things don't always work out the way I want them to, but there is always a reason.
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