Sunday, July 27, 2014

Emulating His example.

Today in Young Women's we talked about how to emulate Jesus Christ's example. Jesus Christ was the only perfect being to ever walk the earth. He never judged people and He was so kind to everyone. We were given a picture of Christ with this scripture on it: "There is no other name given whereby salvation cometh; therefore, I would that ye should take upon you the name of Christ" (Mosiah 5:8). When we were baptized, we promised to take upon us His name and to mourn with those that mourn, comfort those in need of comfort, and stand as witnesses of God at all times, in all things and all places. Every day, I am trying to be more like Jesus. I'm trying to love as He did, and I'm trying to be as patient as He was. I'm trying to do everything I can to be like Him so I can return to my Heavenly Father. 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The Golden Rule.

Okay, the Golden Rule is do unto others as you would have them do unto you, right? Right. Let me talk here for a second. I'm sick of the world. Wait, wait, wait...hear me out. I'm tired of people being rude and inconsiderate and judgemental. People just don't listen or respect each other's religions or beliefs or ideas. People are always bashing on other people's religions as if they know exactly what it's about and what its focus is when usually they don't. And I find that just absolutely rude! It makes me sad that our world has come to this. People just need to:
1) Respect each other. Respect their beliefs. Respect their faiths. Respect them as a person. This is being kind. 
2) Respect that people have different ideas. Different ideas are okay. 
3) Respect that people are sometimes wrong—even if they don't know it—and that they can have their own opinions. Respect them when you need to correct them. This is being considerate. 
4) Respect people as you want to be respected. 

I feel that if the whole world was more respectful, life would be a lot easier and the world would be a kinder place to live. I just don't understand why people are so rude to each other. It breaks my heart to see people be rude to each other and disrespectful—my heart aches for all of them—but they have their agency and I have mine. If it hurts my heart so much, how much more does it hurt our Heavenly Father's? He loves us more than anything in the world; how does He feel when we treat each other like garbage? I feel like some people are just rude and mean because they are bullies and they like making fun of people and making them cry and making them sad. But why would you do that? You don't like it when people do that to you, do you? No? So then why do it to others? I just don't understand.

People are entitled to their own views, but I just don't understand why some people have to bash other people's faiths, ideas, etc. It makes them HAPPY! If someone wants to be a Muslim, let them. If someone wants to be LDS (Mormon), let them. If someone wants to be atheist, let them. If someone wants to be Catholic, LET THEM. It's not hurting you, is it? No. It's not hurting them, either, is it? No. So then why bother arguing about it, or making mean and rude comments about their religion and beliefs, or making mean and rude comments about them? You wouldn't, that's why. Yet some people do. 

We all make mistakes—this is the truth. Sorry if you thought some of us were perfect. None of us are. But we can become perfect. Through our Savior, Jesus Christ—who was perfect—we can become like Him and like our Heavenly Father. I am not perfect—far from it—but I am trying my best every day to become more Christlike. Following the Golden Rule is one way. Being more loving is another. Being respectful. Showing love. Being kind. Treating people how you want to be treated.

Jesus' example of following the Golden Rule is so heartbreaking but He wanted to do it for us. He wanted us to come back and live with Heavenly Father. Here is what the Jews did to Him (not in any specific order):
-They placed a crown of thorns on His head (St Matthew 27:29; St Mark 15:17; St John 19:2). 
-They spit on Him (St Matthew 27:30; St Mark 15:19). 
-They smote Him (St Luke 22:63-64; St John 19:3; St John 19:3). 
-They smote Him with a reed (St Matthew 27:30; St Mark 15:19). 
-They mocked Him (St Matthew 27:29; St Mark 15:18-19; St Luke 22:64; 23:36; St John 19:3).
-They gave Him vinegar and gall to drink (St Matthew 27:34). 
-They nailed Him to a cross and crucified Him (St Matthew 27:35; St Mark 15:24; St Luke 23:33; St John 19:16-18). 

What did Jesus do to stop them? In each of the accounts in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, He did nothing. He was the Son of God and He had the power to smite them from the face of the earth, yet He did not. He did not say a word. While He was up on the cross, He said, speaking to Heavenly Father, "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do" (St Luke 23:34). They did all those awful, awful things to Him—one of their own—and He asked Heavenly Father to forgive them. If that is not following the Golden Rule, I don't know what is. I love my Savior with all of my heart and I am trying to be like Him more and more every day. I hope that people will come to know Him through me, because if that happens, then I am truly becoming more like Christ.  

Sunday, July 20, 2014


This summer, I've seen a lot of friends' mission farewells and I have a couple more later this summer. And I'm sad that they're leaving, but I know that they will be great missionaries. I know that they are well-prepared and that they will love and serve the people in the places they've been called to. Missionary work is a great part of our gospel. I'm grateful for all the missionaries who have sacrificed their time to serve The Lord by sharing His gospel. I know that they are blessed and that The Lord prepares people to hear the message of the gospel—sometimes from specific people. D&C 31: 3 "Lift up your heart and rejoice, for the hour of your mission is come; and your tongue shall be loosed, and you shall declare glad tidings of great joy unto this generation." I know that my friends will be blessed in the mission field and later in life because of their service. I still am not sure if I want to serve a mission yet, but I know I've got some great examples to look up to if I decide to go. 

Friday, July 18, 2014

Singing, dancing, and little girls.

Okay, so this week I had the opportunity to serve a lady in my stake by helping her with her summer singing camp. It was a blessing to her and I am glad I was able to help her. I got to know each of the girls and they were all so cute and sweet. It was fun to watch them all learn the dances and songs; they did it in four days!! And they performed for their parents today. The theme of the show was "shine" and it was fun to be able to help the girls learn how to shine. I am so blessed that I was also able to learn how to shine this week, and that I was able to help the sister in my stake. It was a fantastic week and I'm glad that I was able to meet each of the girls. The littler girls were absolutely adorable and they were all so, so sweet. Service works both ways: it helps the person you are serving, but it also helps you become a better and more Christlike person. 

Sunday, July 13, 2014

"Peace be unto you."

I think that there are a lot of different ways to be at peace or for it to be peaceful. Peace is "freedom from disturbance; quiet and tranquility; mental calm; serenity". I think peace is a state of mind and part of your attitude. But peace can also be given to you. It is a blessing from our Heavenly Father. In John 14 verse 27, it says, "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." Jesus is saying that He gives us peace, but we have to be open to it; we have to open our hearts, which is like I was saying, that it's an attitude/state of mind. In Helaman 5 verse 47, it says, "Peace, peace be into you, because of your faith in my Well Beloved, who was from the foundation of the world." This is Heavenly Father, and He is blessing the Nephites because of their faith in His son, Jesus Christ. Peace can be a blessing: if you're doing the right things and believing in Jesus Christ; or peace can be a state of mind and part of your attitude. True to the Faith says "You work for peace when keep the commandments, give service, care for family members and neighbkrs, and share the gospel. You work for peace whenever you help relieve the suffering of another." You can have peace when you are alone and all is quiet. You can even have peace when it is noisy and boisterous all around you! Just today, my brothers were playing barricade in the toy room, and they were being loud and probably hurting each other—which usually results in my interference—but I let them be and I was at peace. Today I have been at peace quite a lot, which is strange because today has been a bit hectic, but I know that Heavenly Father blessed me with patience, compassion, and a desire in my heart for peace, which led to me feeling at peace today. I'm going to try and have peace in my heart and be compassionate and soft-spoken this week. I will make mistakes, I know—I already made some today—but I want to be better about having peace and being peaceful. It's made me happier today. 

Wednesday, July 9, 2014


Life's like rain. Sometimes there's none, but then slowly, drip by drip and drop by drop, it becomes a downpour and you get soaked. Now, don't get me wrong: I love dancing in the rain and getting soaked. But when life gets super busy, sometimes I have a hard time with it. But no matter the weather, Jesus Christ is always there for me when I need Him. So if a downpour of life gets too busy for me, I can turn to Him and He will help me. If a sprinkling of life gets too much for me, He will help me. If no life is too much for me, He will help me. No matter the weather, He will help me through it. 

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Patience and love.

I am constantly having to work on my patience. It's something I struggle with. Because I have eight younger siblings—most of whom don't listen to me at times—it's something I need to work on. Four of my brothers are only little, and I need to be more patient with them. Two of them are a little bigger but they know better and sometimes I get frustrated because they don't do what they're supposed to or they don't listen, but I still need to be more patient. My sisters are older than most of the boys: one is rebellious at times and the other is not yet a teen, but I still need to be patient. Patience is something I struggle with sometimes, but most especially at home. I need to learn to be like Jesus and love my siblings. I need to be patient, and kind, and caring. There may be some days that are better than others and some may be worse. I just need to remember that:
1) Heavenly Father loves me with all my flaws, and He also loves my siblings with all of theirs. 
2) Heavenly Father must be the king of patience because He works with imperfect people all day long, including me. 
So, because Heavenly Father loves me and works with me all day, I need to learn patience and love my siblings, even with their imperfections. Even if they think I'm annoying because of what I do, I need to be kinder and step up and be the big sister and the good example. Even if they don't listen to me, I still need to be there for them. I need to let them know that I will always love them. I need to let them know that they can come to me at ANY time for ANY thing and I will not judge. And I can start by being patient. 

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Becoming a little bit more like Christ.

You know those stories you read when you were younger that had amazing life lessons? My favorites have always been the ones by Max Lucado. He wrote Because I Love You and all the ones about the Wemmicks. I love those stories because they are exactly how life is. We as people are a curious people, and sometimes a vain people. But God knows how to handle us, and has prepared a way to save us. Through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we can again become whole and start anew. We can try each day to be a little bit better than the day before. I know it's not always easy—believe me, I have a very hard time sometimes—but I know that with His help, and by and through His grace, we can all become a little bit better, a little bit kinder, and a little bit more like Christ. And, at the end of the day, isn't that our goal?