Sunday, October 5, 2014


Conference is now over. I'm so grateful for all the messages given. I noticed something about two of the talks:

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf: The process of gathering spiritual light is the quest of a lifetime. 
Elder Allan F. Packer: Qualifying for exaltation becomes a quest of a lifetime. 

Do you see it? They're both talking about "quest of a lifetime". I love conference because sometimes the messages all coincide--and no one is given a topic. They all prayerfully ask Heavenly Father what He would have them speak on and write the talk. I think it's cool that a lot of the speakers talked about the prophets, and I think it's funny that both President Uchtdorf and Elder Packer talked about quests of a lifetime. In qualifying for exaltation, we can gather spiritual light. It will be the quest of a lifetime, and it will be glorious. 

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