Life is a gift, and God has a plan for each of us.
Our divine nature comes from God.
Because you are His child, He knows who you can become.I love this. This is such a great reminder that we are His, and He has a plan for us, and all that we have been blessed with comes from Him. <3
We will be blessed if we exercise faith in our Father and go to Him.
The reward is so great, so eternal...
As we keep our lives pure and clean...we will one day receive all that the Father hath.I love this! We will be blessed as we keep His commandments–I love that she got emotional as she talked about how, when we see the Father in Heaven, we will be amazed at how awesome the reward is, and how all we had to do was get through our trials that seem extremely hard now, but, in the end, will be nothing compared to the reward. <3
We must love one another and see in one another the beauty of the soul.
In the strength of the Lord we can do all things.
We repent so that we may be better.
"In this cause [FYI, she said that "we are here to serve a righteous cause"] we are all valued. We are all needed. The righteous cause we serve is the cause of Christ. It is the work of salvation."I love this. I can't even add anything to it. <3
He told a story about a young girl who visited her Great-Aunt Rose over the summer while the girl's mother recovered from a surgery. These are some of the things he said as he told the story:
If we trust Him, we can find the brighter, happier things in life.
The best things take patience and work.
Brooding and worrying makes it worse. (this stood out to me in particular. <3 <3 <3)
God didn't design us to be sad. He created us to have joy.
Now is part of eternity.
Faith will fortify every step of the way.I love President Uchtdorf! This was such a good talk! I loved the story! Such a cute story, and very relatable. <3 <3
"Many years ago I worked in the head office of one of our railroads. One day I received a telephone call from my counterpart in Newark, New Jersey, who said that a passenger train had arrived without its baggage car. The patrons were angry. We discovered that the train had been properly made up in Oakland, California, and properly delivered to St. Louis, from which station it was to be carried to its destination on the east coast. But in the St. Louis yards, a thoughtless switchman had moved a piece of steel just three inches. That piece of steel was a switch point, and the car that should have been in Newark, New Jersey, was in New Orleans, Louisiana, thirteen hundred miles away” (Elder Gordon B. Hinckley in Conference Report, Oct. 1972, 106–7; or Ensign, Jan. 1973, 91)