Friday, January 31, 2014

The Lord has a plan.

So I tried out for the talent show on Wednesday. Today I found that I didn't make it. And that's okay; there's always next year and I guess that there must be something else I need to do. Today I also tried out for choir for next year and I really hope I get in! The choir teacher said I sounded beautiful and she asked me when I have orchestra, so...*crosses fingers* I hope I got in!! If not, well...I'll be in dismay, and I may cry, but life goes on. I must be needed somewhere else if I don't get in. Also, just as a side note, I've had several friends say that they're sure that I'll get in because I have a good/great voice/talent, so I really hope they're right about me getting in! I tried out for two choirs; I'd be pleased with either. I know The Lord has a plan for me, and if the talent show (and choir) aren't in it, I can't wait to see what is!!!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Today is a special day.

Hello, nonexistent followers who may one day be actual real-live people. Today, seventeen years ago, a most wonderful, spunky, funny, beautiful daughter of God came to this world. Her name was Mattie Ruth Radke. Yep, folks, that's right. Today is my birthday!! I'm seventeen. I have learned so, so, so much in the past seventeen years about who I am as a person, who I am as a daughter of God, and who I want to be. I am so thankful for the example of my Saviour, Jesus Christ, and for everything He and my Heavenly Father have done for me. I am so thankful for all of the people in my life who are great examples to me and who have taught me so much about life, and living, and all the fun stuff that is weird and random. I'm so thankful for all the people who put up with me and pretend to understand what I'm talking about. :) I'm so thankful for the opportunity I have to communicate with people and spread the gospel. I'm thankful that I'm always so happy. Love you all! 

Mattie-Who-Is-Now-Seventeen :)

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

He reaches and teaches through you.

I am super excited for my auditions tomorrow, but also really nervous! My throat kind of hurts so I'm gonna take a water bottle to school tomorrow. I have been getting lots of positive, uplifting "You can do it!"s, "You'll be awesome!"s, "You're going to be amazing!"s, etc. from everyone and I know that that is Heavenly Father's way of telling me that I can do this and I'm amazing. Heavenly Father reaches and teaches us through other people, and I am so thankful for that. I love people being that for me and I love being that for other people. 

Monday, January 27, 2014

You need to be.

"Face trouble with courage, disappointment with cheerfulness, and triumph with humility" (President Thomas S. Monson). I LOVE this! Be courageous in times of trouble; be strong and stand firmly in holy places. Be cheerful in disappointing times; be an example of the believers. Be humble when triumphant. Remember, you are loved even if you fail.

Friday, January 24, 2014


I love seminary. It's a place where I can go during the week and learn about the gospel and have a break from school. It's a place where I can go during the week to learn more about my Saviour. It's a place where I can go during the week to learn more about what I can do to help me and help those around me. Seminary is one of my safe havens, and I am so grateful for it. Since I started seminary in ninth grade, it has made a big impact on my life and it has changed me for good. I am so grateful for all of the seminary teachers that I have had and their time and preparation. I have had many life questions answered in seminary and I have felt the spirit so many times. Seminary is one of the places that I feel the most safe and I am so thankful for that. 

Monday, January 20, 2014

If you just believe.

If you just believe, you can be an example. If you just believe, you will know that you are loved. If you just believe, you will know that you are a child of God. If you just believe, you will know that you are a daughter or son of a king. If you just believe, you can make it. If you just believe, you can be like Jesus Christ. If you just serve, you will be like Jesus Christ. 

Thursday, January 16, 2014

You have a greater impact than you know.

I never realized what an impact I had/have on my friends/family/acquaintances. So, yesterday in seminary we had a seminary conference with everyone who had seminary that class period. At the end of the fabulous conference, they opened it up to us, the congregation. I listened to several of the testimonies, and my heart started pounding out of my chest; I was sure my friend beside me and in front of me could hear me. They couldn't, obviously, but I thought they could because it was so loud and I could feel it throughout my whole body. Anyway, I got up. And although I''m sure no one else noticed, I started and ended my talk with lines from songs. I started it with, "You are a light on hill. You cannot be hidden." That is from a song called "Light on a Hill." Anyway, after that, I don't remember exactly what I talked about, but I brushed up on my rough spot two years ago, and how I turned to my Savior and the Bishop, and they helped me get through it, and I knew that I wouldn't have been able to do it alone. I closed with the line, "With Him we can." I can't remember what song it is from, but I know it is by Mercy River, so if you want to find it, just look that line up with their name. Also, after the closing prayer, my friend thanked me for sharing my testimony. And later when I was waiting to get picked up, one of the seminary teachers said that I did a good job. And I never realized what an impact I had on those around me until then. I never consciously realized it, I mean. I guess underneath I knew, but I hadn't ever realized it. But yes. You have more of an impact than you know. Please be brave and smart. Someone may need something you say, but if you're not brave and you don't say it, they will never be able to get it from you or anyone else ever again.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Some days.

Some days it's totally hard and awful and some days it's not. Some days it's really pretty mellow and nice and some days it's not. Some days it's a real roller coaster ride and some days it's not. The thing is, though, that we all have bad days. We all have good days. And we all have those days in between that could really go either way. So we should just be nice because being nice is nice, and it may make/break someone's day if you're nice or not, so let's make their day and be nice. :)

Author's Note: I like to mix-and-match, if you will, posts from my blog and Facebook, in case you had (or even if you hadn't) noticed. It's not plagiarism or anything; it's my own words. Anyway, just a heads up for that. Some material may seem familiar. However, if you would like to quote me, please, please actually quote me (use "" and everything). Thank you. :)

Friday, January 10, 2014

With God, all things are possible. Even passing silly pass-or-fail tests.

Okay, so today I went in to actually take my President's Test, and I passed!!!! There was some stuff that I couldn't remember but it popped into my head just like yesterday and I'm so thankful that I have the Holy Ghost with me to help me remember. Pass or fail tests are, to be honest, quite awful, and such a pain in the neck. Actually, more like a pain in the brain. Anyway, they're really rather quite dreadful and I do recommend studying more than the week before the test like I did. However, with God, all things are possible. Just don't make procrastinating big things like that a habit. He just wants you to be happy (and well-educated) and full of service. 

Thursday, January 9, 2014

The Holy Ghost.

I am so thankful for my Heavenly Father. I had a test today (that I TOTALLY bombed, but I can go in tomorrow) and I would not have gotten as far as I did if the Holy Ghost hadn't brought to my mind the pieces of information that I needed to remember. Like, I seriously could not remember them at all; my mind drew a blank every time I tried to find it, but all of a sudden, POOF! there it was. And yes, I failed the test (I didn't even turn it in, actually, but that's a long story and involves freaking out, frustration, and tears, so I won't bother you with the details) but I can go take it tomorrow and this experience lets me know that I can have the Holy Ghost with me always, and he can help me remember things that I need to if I only ask. And today I did. I prayed with all of my heart that I would be able to remember them, and I did. And now I know that I'll be able to have him help me remember when I take the test (and finish it!) tomorrow. 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Maybe one day.

Maybe one day I'll remember.
Maybe one day I will see.
Maybe one day I will hear.
Maybe one day I will stumble. 
Maybe one day I will glance. 
Maybe one day I will look.
Maybe one day I will cry. 
Maybe one day I will run. 
Maybe one day I will sob. 
Maybe one day I will kneel. 
Maybe one day I will touch. 
Maybe one day I will feel.
Maybe one day I'll remember.
Hopefully by then, I will know Him.

~~A poem by Me

Saturday, January 4, 2014


Okay, so I was just thinking about babysitting because I babysat tonight. I love babysitting with all of my heart because it's a whole different experience. It's a chance for me to get to be familiar with dealing with different types of children. Some children are easy-going and listen well. Some children are very creative and listen (mostly). Some children bring out the tears when they aren't getting what they want and twist your heart into giving in. And that's just a drop in the barrel. Anyway. I don't know what types of children my kids are going to be. I don't know if I'll have kids. I don't know if I'll have kids of my own. I don't know if I'll get married. Whatever my future holds in store for me, me being able to deal with lots of different kids is important to me. There are those random children in stores that need cheering up. There are those random kids at the park who you help swing and slide because her mama can't climb after her. I want to have the experience to be able to deal with each child differently. I need that experience. I just don't feel like there's a better place to be besides with children. Their sweet natures are so innocent and careless, and their rollercoaster attitudes make me feel right at home. Babysitting gives me a sense of purpose, a sense of being. I love being the guardian and caretaker for those kids while their parents are out. I love getting to know the kids, and how they click. I love how they come to love and trust me easily, and I love and care for them with all of my heart. I see the world differently through their eyes. I love being their role model and their idol. I love being with them. There will always be children in the world, and I will ALWAYS look after them, no matter what. 

Friday, January 3, 2014

Forever families.

I am so grateful for my family. I am so grateful that I can live with my family forever because of my Savior, Jesus Christ. He died and was resurrected so that we can all live forever with our families.

This sweet boy is my little brother forever!! And I am so thankful for him!! :)

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!! :)

Happy New Year!! Hope your 2013 was as entertaining as mine. I wish you the best this upcoming year. I hope it is filled with magic, wonder, love, and fun. But most of all, I hope it is filled with your love for our Savior, and His Gospel, and your recognition of His love for you. Keep calm and stay strong this new year. Love you all!!

Love and best wishes,

Mattie ❤