Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Gratefulness, excitedness, and randomness.

Yay!!!! I'm super excited!! I'm pretty much done with all the requirements for my medallion. I just need to finish up a couple of stuff and then I get it tomorrow!! I know that I've seen The Lord's hand in my life, because there is NO way on earth that I could've finished five 10-hour projects in two weeks without His help. It's been crazy trying to keep up with my schoolwork and my Personal Progress projects. After tomorrow, though, it will be less crazy and I can focus on my schoolwork ;). But there is no way that I could've done everything in the past two weeks that I've done without the helping hand of The Lord. I'm so grateful to Him, because I know that He's given me many little miracles along the way. It's been super easy the past two weeks to recognize The Lord in my life, and I've been so, so grateful. It's easy to recognize His hand in your life if your life is super busy, but you get everything done, and done well. I love to just think and ponder sometimes on random life questions, like what happens after we die? Do we float around or what? Are we guardian angels on earth? Do we get to choose who we "guard"? Anyway, I just love thinking and pondering on different things that are totally unrelated to anyone else but are completely related to me. If someone could see inside my head, they'd be lost. After I've earned my medallion, I'm going to take a well-deserved rest....during the next holiday break. :)

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