Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Hey, guys! So, for my Personal Progress, I decided that I wanted to do a blog on different aspects of the gospel. These first couple of posts might be a little different, but as I get into it more I think it will make more sense. So, here's the deal: I'm going to try and post something every day, and you can ask me questions that you might have or if you want a little more insight or a non-biased opinion. I might tell stories to help set my view across, so bear with me as I might also go off on tangents. But here's my first gospel topic:

The first topic, and the most obvious one, is faith. I'm sure we all know what faith is, but just in case, here's a couple definitions I found:
1) "Faith is to hope for things which are not seen, but which are true (Heb. 1:11; Alma 32:21), and must be centered in Jesus Christ in order to produce salvation. To have faith is to have confidence in something or someone (King James Bible Dictionary)."
2) Firm belief in something for which there is no proof; allegiance to duty or a person (Merriam Webster Dictionary).

As you can see, there is quite a wide definition of faith. However, I am going to shorten it a little bit and share with you my definition of faith. I believe faith is [centered in Christ], hoping and believing in unseen (but true) things. Does that make sense? Faith in Christ is the first step to keeping Him in your heart.
Now, you may be thinking, "How do I get faith in Christ? I'm not quite sure if I have enough, or even if I have any." Well, the first step to having faith in Christ is to read the scriptures, whether it be The Bible, The Book of Mormon, etc. In order to have faith in Christ, you need to first understand His teachings. It won't do you any good to turn to Christ and have faith in Him if you have no idea what He teaches and what He is about. After you've studied the scriptures, you need to pray. Pray to Heavenly Father and ask Him if it is true. You might not get an answer immediately, and that's okay. Keep reading and praying. It may be that you need to know more of His teachings, or you need to learn one specific thing that you haven't yet. I know that I learn different things every time I read my scriptures. Even the same verses. After you've received an answer, guess what you get to do next? You get to repeat the whole process for the rest of your life!! Isn't that amazing? There is so much stuff in the scriptures, you can study them your whole life and still learn new things every time you read them. There is so much stuff in the gospel that I haven't learned yet, and I can't wait to learn it. Christ is waiting to open His arms to you; He loves you and wants you to be happy. You need to have a whole lot of faith to be able to keep Christ in your heart, and that starts with a little seed of faith. It may be a mustard seed, or a rosebush seed, or a lily seed, or an apple tree seed, but a seed's a seed.

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